Two Cardiologists Battle It Out Over The Low-Carb High-Fat Diet

At a recent health conference, Dr. Aseem Malhotra and Dr. Joel Kahn, battled it out in a conversation about the Low-Carb High-Fat (LCHF) diet.

Is a low-fat vegan or an LCHF diet better for lowering the risks of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease? Dr. Aseem Malhotra supports eating a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, while Dr. Joel Kahn is vegan-inclined.

They disagree on many points, but both of the renowned cardiologists find common ground in the power of a “plant-strong” diet to prevent disease, they agree that sugar is bad for you, and also believe lifestyle (movement, stress reduction, not smoking) is important in decreasing risk factors.

If you want to hear the arguments for both sides, watch the video to see where these two experts agree and disagree on the food groups that improve heart health and overall nutrition.

See the video here:

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Disclaimer: While the ketogenic diet has many proven benefits, and it has worked well for many people, it’s not right for every person. There is no “one size fits all” solution. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have about your specific situation.

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